Jobs Admission Form
Student Feedback

admission policy

At the end of academic year announcement for admission in different classes is made. Sets are allocated for each class as per capicity in the class.
Crieteria for admission:
Admission is granted to only those students who pass the entry test.Minimum marks for passing entry test is 60% in written test. 80% marks are required to qualify interview conducted by board of senior teachers and principal headed by the Director of the school. During interview the social ,mental , physical and behavioural competencies of the students are sought by the selection board of the school and college.
admission into the college:
Swat Education Academy Barikot provides College facility for both boys and girls students. Separate campuses have been arranged for both the Girls and Boys Section. Announcement of the commencement of the admissions into the college is made as soon as the SSC gazzette is announced. After the SSC result, the college prospectus can be obtained from the school's office during work hours. The schedule for admissions into 1st year for the session 2012 is as follows.